Kaspersky Security Center

Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center Web Console

September 2, 2024

ID 271767

This article describes how to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console Server (also referred to as Kaspersky Security Center Web Console) on devices running the Linux operating system.

If you need to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console on Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode, follow the instructions specific for Astra Linux.

Use one of the following installation files that corresponds to the Linux distribution installed on your device:

  • For Debian—ksc-web-console-[build_number].x86_64.deb
  • For RPM-based operating systems—ksc-web-console-[build_number].x86_64.rpm
  • For ALT 8 SP—ksc-web-console-[build_number]-alt8p.x86_64.rpm

You receive the installation file by downloading it from the Kaspersky website.

To upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console:

  1. Make sure that the device on which you want to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is running one of the supported Linux distributions.
  2. Read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). If the Kaspersky Security Center Linux distribution kit does not include a TXT file with the text of the EULA, you can download the file from the Kaspersky website. If you do not accept the terms of the License Agreement, do not upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console by using the installation file.
  3. Use the same response file that you prepared before installing Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. The response file name is ksc-web-console-setup.json, and the file location is /etc/ksc-web-console-setup.json.

    If the response file does not exist, create a new response file that contains the parameters for connecting Kaspersky Security Center Web Console to Administration Server. Name the file ksc-web-console-setup.json, and then place it in the /etc directory.

    Example of a response file containing a minimal set of parameters, and the default address and port:


    "address": "",

    "port": 8080,

    "trusted": "|13299|/var/opt/kaspersky/klnagent_srv/1093/cert/klserver.cer|KSC Server",

    "acceptEula": true


    If you want to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center Web Console connected to Administration Server installed on the Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster nodes, in the response file, specify the trusted installation parameter to allow the Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster to connect to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. The string value of this parameter has the following format:

    "trusted": "server address|port|certificate path|server name"

    Specify the components of the trusted installation parameter:

    • Administration Server address. If you created a secondary network adapter when preparing the cluster nodes, use the IP address of the adapter as the Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster address. Otherwise, specify the IP address of the third-party load balancer that you use.
    • Administration Server port. The OpenAPI port that Kaspersky Security Center Web Console uses to connect to Administration Server (default value is 13299).
    • Administration Server certificate. The Administration Server certificate is located in the shared data storage of the Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster. The default path to the certificate file is: <shared data folder>\1093\cert\klserver.cer. Copy the certificate file from the shared data storage to the device where you install Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. Specify the local path to the Administration Server certificate.
    • Administration Server name. The Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster name that will be displayed in the login window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

    Kaspersky Security Center Web Console cannot be upgraded by using the same .rpm installation file. If you want to change the settings in a response file and use this file to reinstall the application, you must first remove the application, and then install it again with the new response file.

  4. Under an account with root privileges, use the command line to run the setup file with the .deb or .rpm extension, depending on your Linux distribution.

    To upgrade from a previous version of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, run one of the following commands:

    • For devices running an RPM-based operating system:

      $ sudo rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force ksc-web-console-[build_number].x86_64.rpm

    • For devices running a Debian-based operating system:

      $ sudo dpkg -i ksc-web-console-[build_number].x86_64.deb

    This starts unpacking the setup file. Please wait until the installation is complete.

  5. Restart all of the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console services by running the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl restart KSC*

When the upgrade is complete, you can use your browser to open and log in to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

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