Type 1c-xml

The 1c-xml type is used to retrieve data from 1C application registration logs. When the connector handles multi-line events, it converts them into single-line events. This type of connector is available for Linux Agents.

When creating this type of connector, specify values for the following settings:

Connector operation diagram:

  1. The files containing 1C logs with the XML extension are searched within the specified directory. Logs are placed in the directory either manually or using an application written in the 1C language, for example, using the ВыгрузитьЖурналРегистрации() function. The connector only supports logs received this way. For more information on how to obtain 1C logs, see the official 1C documentation.
  2. Files are sorted by the last modification time in ascending order. All the files modified before the last read are discarded.

    Information about processed files is stored in the file /<collector working directory>/1c_xml_connector/state.ini and has the following format: "offset=<number>\ndev=<number>\ninode=<number>".

  3. Events are defined in each unread file.
  4. Events from the file are processed one by one. Multi-line events are converted to single-line events.

Connector limitations:

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