Archiving assets

In KUMA, the archival functionality is available for the following types of assets:

Assets added manually in the console or using the API are not archived.

An asset becomes archived under the following conditions:

An asset is not updated in the following cases:

To configure the archived assets retention period:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, select the SettingsAssets section.

    This opens the Assets window.

  2. Enter the new value in the Archived assets retention period field.

    The default setting is 0 days. This means that archived assets are stored indefinitely.

  3. Click Save.

The retention period for archived assets is configured.

Information about the archived asset remains available for viewing in the alert and incident card.

To view an archived asset card:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, select the Alerts or Incidents section.

    A list of alerts or incidents is displayed.

  2. Open the alert or incident card linked to the archived asset.

    You can view the information in the archived asset card.

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