Changing password

June 28, 2024

ID 179705

To change the password for gaining access to the Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI:

  1. Click the current user split button () on the footer bar, and then click Profile.

    Your profile opens on the right.

  2. Fill out the input fields:
    • Current password—Specify the current password.
    • New password—Specify the new password.
    • Confirm new password—Confirm the new password.

    All passwords are hidden, and asterisks are displayed instead of their characters.

  3. Click Save.

After you change the password, all the sessions for the active account except the current one will be closed.

Password requirements

A password for gaining access to Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI must meet the following requirements:

  • Password must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and the following special symbols:

    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

  • Password must contain at least one Latin lowercase letter.
  • Password must contain at least one Latin uppercase letter.
  • Password must contain at least one digit.
  • A password must contain at least one special symbol (!, #, @, and so on).
  • Password length must be from 6 to 16 symbols inclusive.

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