Configuring KUMA

June 28, 2024

ID 220785

For KUMA to receive events from Kaspersky Scan Engine, add a new Collector in KUMA.

Configure the new Collector as follows:

  • In the Transport settings, set the Kind parameter to tcp.

    Transport basic settings: Connector - ScanEngine, Kind = tcp, Tenant = General, URL = :9991.

    Transport settings

  • In the Event parsing settings, set the Parsing method parameter to cef.

    Event parsing settings. Normalization scheme: Normalizer = [Example] CEF, Name = [Example] CEF, Tenant = General, Parsing method = cef, Store extra fields = Only errors.

    Event parsing settings

The parameters above are essential for the integration of Kaspersky Scan Engine and KUMA. Configure other parameters according to the KUMA documentation.

After KUMA configuration is complete, you can configure Kaspersky Scan Engine.

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