Adding a reserve key

The command for adding a license key can only be executed if the application is being used in standalone mode. When using the application in Light Agent mode for protecting virtual environments, this command fails with an error.

The kesl-control --add-reserve-key command adds a reserve key.

If an active key has not been added, the key will be added as the active key.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --add-reserve-key <path to key file>|<activation code>

Arguments and keys

<path to the key file> – path to the key file. If the key file is located in the current directory, it is sufficient to specify only the file name.

<activation code>activation code.


Add a reserve key using the /home/test/00000002.key file:

kesl-control --add-reserve-key /home/test/00000002.key

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