Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Trusted device window (List of detected devices)

In this window you can add a device to the list of trusted devices by selecting it in the list of existing managed devices.

Information about existing devices is available only if an active policy exists and synchronization with the Network Agent has been completed (the synchronization interval is specified in the Network Agent policy properties; the default setting is 15 minutes). If you create a new policy and there are no other active ones, the list will be empty.

Adding device from list



Device type

In this drop-down list, you can select type of devices to be displayed in the Devices detected on hosts table.

Device ID mask

Entry field for a device ID mask.


Entry field for a comment (optional). This field is available after you select the devices, and click the Next button.

Clicking the Filter button opens the window, where you can set up the filtering of displayed information about devices.