Releasing quarantined items

Items detected by the Data Discovery module are not moved to Quarantine, but only displayed in the Quarantine list, so you cannot release them from Quarantine.

Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 can release selected quarantined items as original Exchange Online messages, OneDrive and SharePoint Online files, and place them in their original folders. If the folder in which the Exchange Online message was detected has been deleted, the message is restored to the Inbox folder.

Releasing messages from Exchange Online Quarantine triggers the "Release selected message(s) to ALL recipients" Exchange Online operation.

Releasing quarantined items may cause harm to your computer because they may contain viruses and other malicious objects that pose a threat of infection.

To release quarantined items:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 Management Console.
  2. In the left part of the page, select the Quarantine section.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the quarantined items that you want to release.
  4. Click the Release button.
  5. In the confirmation window, click the Release button.

After the messages and files have been released, they become available in their original folders unmodified. At that, records about the released messages and files remain in the table of quarantined items. They become inactive (grayed out) and have the Released status prefix. You can only delete them from the table manually.

OneDrive and SharePoint Online files are released as a whole, along with all versions and properties. At that, all access permissions for OneDrive files are restored except for link access permissions. For SharePoint Online files, all access permissions are restored except for direct access and link access permissions. Note that a file can be released only once.

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