Manually connecting a client device to the Administration Server. Klmover utility

If you have to manually connect a client device to the Administration Server, you can use the klmover utility on the client device.

When Network Agent is installed on a client device, the utility is automatically copied to the Network Agent installation folder.

To manually connect a client device to the Administration Server by using the klmover utility:

On the device, start the klmover utility from the command line.

When started from the command line, the klmover utility can perform the following actions (depending on which keys are in use):

Utility command line syntax:

klmover [-logfile <file name>] [-address <server address>] [-pn <port number>] [-ps <SSL port number>] [-nossl] [-cert <path to certificate file>] [-silent] [-dupfix] [-virtserv] [-cloningmode]

The administrator rights are required to run the utility.

Descriptions of the keys:

For example, to connect Network Agent to Administration Server, run the following command:

klmover -address -logfile klmover.log

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