Install software (including initial deployment of Network Agents) on other devices.
Poll the network to detect new devices and update information about existing ones. A distribution point can apply the same device discovery methods as the Administration Server.
Deployment of distribution points on an organization's network has the following objectives:
Reducing the load on the Administration Server.
Optimizing traffic.
Providing the Administration Server with access to devices in hard-to-reach spots of the organization's network. The availability of a distribution point on the network behind a NAT (in relation to the Administration Server) allows the Administration Server to perform the following actions:
Send notifications to devices over UDP.
Poll the network.
Perform initial deployment.
A distribution point is assigned for an administration group. In this case, the scope of the distribution point includes all devices within the administration group and all of its subgroups. However, the device that acts as the distribution point may not be included in the administration group to which it has been assigned.
You can make a distribution point function as a connection gateway. In this case, devices in the scope of the distribution point will be connected to the Administration Server through the gateway, not directly. This mode can be useful in scenarios that do not allow the establishment of a direct connection between the Administration Server and managed devices.