Kaspersky Security Center API description
Task settings format
Parameter nameTypeOptionalityDescription
"TASKID_COMPONENT_NAME"paramStringRequiredName of component.
"TASKID_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringRequiredName of product.
"TASKID_VERSION"paramStringRequiredVersion of product.
"TASK_UNIQUE_ID"paramStringOptionalThe unique GUID-like identity of the task (Max length: 50). If not specified, the task ID will be generated automatically.
It is recommended do not set the task ID unnecessarily.
"TASK_NAME"paramStringRequiredName of task type. See Tasks of Administration Server and Network Agent.
"DisplayName"paramStringRequiredTask display name. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS". 100 characters max.
"TASK_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS"paramParamsRequiredContainer (paramParams) with task type-dependent settings. See Tasks of Administration Server and Network Agent.
"KLPRCI_TASK_INVISIBLE"paramBoolOptionalThe parameter accepts true if the task is invisible in Administration Console.
"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION"paramParamsOptionalContainer (paramParams) with additional conditions to start the task for specific custom schedules. See Task start conditions.
"TASK_INFO_PARAMS"paramParamsRequiredContainer (paramParams) with task type-independent settings.
"TASKSCH_TYPE"paramIntRequiredType of schedule. See Schedule types
"klprts-TaskScheduleSubtype"paramIntRequiredSubtype of schedule. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".
"TASK_DEL_AFTER_RUN_FLAG"paramBoolOptionalThe parameter accepts true if a task will be deleted from the scheduler (not from disk) after run.
"UNLOCK_PASSWORD_CRYPTED"paramStringOptionalUninstalling password. Encoded, represented as base64 string. Should be encrypted using ProtectUtf16StringGlobally. Actual only for hosts with Windows network agents.

Task "enabled" flag.

This parameter is obsolete. We do not recommend to use it.
"PRTS_TASK_GROUPID"paramIntOptionalID of the administration group (see HostGroup interface) for a group task.
This attribute is absent or equal to -1 for a computer-set task.
Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".
"PRTS_EXCEPT_GROUPIDS"paramArrayOptionalContains integer ID of administration groups to exclude from the task scope. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

Flag for prohibiting inheritance of a group task
If this flag is set, the group task will not be inherited by subgroups and virtual servers of the "PRTS_TASK_GROUPID" group. The absence of this attribute means no prohibition (FALSE). Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".


Target computer types. May have the following values:

  • 1 Add workstations to the task scope.
  • 2 Add servers to the task scope.
  • 3 Add both servers and workstations to the task scope.

Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

".HstQueryId"paramIntOptionalHosts query identity (for a task based on a hosts query; group identity "PRTS_TASK_GROUPID" for this task should be -1).
Should be 0 or absent for other tasks.
Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".
"HostList"paramArrayOptionalList of hosts (in case of task for set of computers; group identity "PRTS_TASK_GROUPID" for such task should be -1, ".HstQueryId" should absent or be equal to 0).
Every entry should contain either the "HostName" parameter (to identify an existing host, see KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAME attribute, in priority) or "HostDispName" parameter (to identify the host by its display name, see KLHST_WKS_DN attribute). An additional entry may contain the "Preliminary" parameter, which should be set to true if this target host should be used for a preliminary start; otherwise, it should be false. Sample:
            +---0 (paramParams)
                +---HostName = (paramString)"295ce3ac-f4b7-47e9-a7a5-b6aa7cb74e66"
            +---1 (paramParams)
                +---HostName = (paramString)"638168dc-735d-40af-88a5-b2f28eea6e99"
            +---2 (paramParams)
                +---HostDispName = (paramString)"Host3"
                +---Preliminary = (paramBool)true
            +---3 (paramParams)
                +---HostDispName = (paramString)"Host4"
                +---Preliminary = (paramBool)false
Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".
"KLPRSS_EVPNotifications"paramParamsOptionalNotification settings for changing the state of a task. See KLPRSS_EVPNotifications description.
Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

The parameter accepts true if Administration Server calculates the task randomization period by itself. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

Option is disabled in UI in the following cases:

  • Task product name == "1093".
  • Task is local, and "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x100.
  • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x800.

Randomization value. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

Option is disabled in UI in the following cases:

  • Task product name == "1093".

Option to execute the task if the time to run is missed. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".

Option is disabled in UI in the following cases:

  • Task product name == "1093".
  • Task is local, and one of the following conditions is met:
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x100.
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x80.
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x1000.
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x200.
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x800.
    • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x40000.
"klprts-WakeOnLAN"paramIntOptionalNumber of milliseconds from Wake remote computer on LAN until starting the task. Valid range 60000-59940000 (1-999 min), or 0 when function is disabled. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS". Option is disabled in UI when:
  • Plug-in registry key "ServerSideTask" is 0 OR
  • "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x80 OR "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x1000 OR "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x200 OR "TASKSCH_TYPE" == 0x800
"klprts-ShutdownSystemAfterRun"paramBoolOptionalThe computer must be shut down after task execution. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS". Option is disabled in UI when:
  • Plug-in registry key "ServerSideTask" is 0 OR
  • "TASK_NAME" == "Remote Installation" OR "TASK_NAME" == "Remote Deinstallation"
"klprts-TaskMaxRunningTime"paramIntOptionalMaximum duration of a task execution in milliseconds. Valid range 60000-59940000 (1-999 min), or 0 when function is disabled. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS". Option is disabled in UI when:
  • Plug-in registry key (KLCSR_PRODUCT_CTRL_BUTTONS & 2) == 0 OR
  • Plug-in registry key KLCSR_RESIDENT_TASK is 1
"klprts-TaskCannotBeDeleted"paramBoolOptionalIf the value is 'true', the user cannot delete the task. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS".
"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME"paramDateTimeOptionalTime when the task must be executed for the first time, in UTC.
"TASK_PRIORITY"paramIntOptionalPriority of thread of task execution.
"TASKSCH_LIFETIME"paramDateTimeOptionalValidity period of schedule, in UTC.

Limit for execution time, in milliseconds.

"TASK_LAST_EXEC_TIME"paramDateTimeOptionalLast execution time, in UTC.

Last execution time, in milliseconds.

"TASK_PREP_START"paramIntOptionalStart preparing for N milliseconds before the main start.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD"paramIntOptionalUsed for setting schedule. Task execution period, in seconds.
"TASKSCH_ED_HOURS"paramIntOptionalHours. Used in daily schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_ED_MINS"paramIntOptionalMinutes. Used in daily schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_ED_SECS"paramIntOptionalSeconds. Used in daily schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EW_DAY"paramIntOptionalDays. Used in weekly schedule. A week day: 0->Sunday, ... 6->Saturday.
"TASKSCH_EW_HOURS"paramIntOptionalHours. Used in weekly schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EW_MINS"paramIntOptionalMinutes. Used in weekly schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EW_SECS"paramIntOptionalSeconds. Used in weekly schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EM_DAY"paramIntOptionalDays. Used in monthly schedule. Day of the month when the task should be run (1-31).
"TASKSCH_EM_HOURS"paramIntOptionalHours. Used in monthly schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EM_MINS"paramIntOptionalMinutes. Used in monthly schedule. Local time.
"TASKSCH_EM_SECS"paramIntOptionalSeconds. Used in monthly schedule. Local time.

Type of managed devices. Auxiliary parameter used in GUI only. Contained in "TASK_INFO_PARAMS". Possible values:

  • 0 - Managed devices scanned by KSC
  • 1 - Managed devices addresses provided by the user
  • 2 - KSC's device query
  • 3 - Administration group

Defaults: If PRTS_TASK_GROUPID == -1 then default value is 0, otherwise - 3

"PRTS_TASK_GROUPNAME"paramStringOptionalDisplay name of an administration group. It's a part of 'TASK_INFO_PARAMS' (filled only if the task data is received from the server implementations of TasksStorage, for optimization purposes only).
"klprts-DontApplyToSlaveServers"paramBoolOptionalMeans that a task cannot be spread over secondary servers. It's a part of 'TASK_INFO_PARAMS'.
"klprts-TaskAccountUser"paramStringOptionalAccount name. For some tasks, it can be in the klprts-TaskAccounts array. See List of deployment task attributes.

Password for encrypted account. See How sensitive data must be protected.

For some tasks, it can be in the klprts-TaskAccounts array. See List of deployment task attributes.

"TASK_AUTOCREATED_GRP"paramStringOptionalAutocreated task group name, see Autocreated task group. Contained in "TASK_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS".

Task settings example:

            +---... <depending on the KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_TYPE value>
        +---... <depending on the task type>

Types of schedule.

Launch type"TASKSCH_TYPE""klprts-TaskScheduleSubtype""klprts-TaskScheduleSubtypeEx"Required Parameters
Immediately50x200-Flag TASK_DEL_AFTER_RUN_FLAG must be set to "true".
Once50x40-"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" - Time of first execution of task. Flag TASK_DEL_AFTER_RUN_FLAG must be set to "true".
Every N hours50x1-"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" - Time of first execution of task.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" - Count of seconds, divisible on 3600.
Every N days, beginning from a day and time20x2-"TASKSCH_ED_HOURS" - Start hour.
"TASKSCH_ED_MINS" - Start minute.
"TASKSCH_ED_SECS" - Start second.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" - Execution period, in days.
Every N days, beginning from a date and time20x100000-"TASKSCH_ED_HOURS" - Start hour.
"TASKSCH_ED_MINS" - Start minute.
"TASKSCH_ED_SECS" - Start second.
"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" - Date of first execution of task, in UTC.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" - Execution period, in days.
Every N weeks, beginning from a date30x4-"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" - Time of first task execution.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" - Task execution period, in seconds. Displayed in the UI in days (divided by 24*60*60)
Weekly30x10-"TASKSCH_EW_DAY" - Day of the week: 0->Sunday, ... 6->Saturday.
Monthly40x20-"TASKSCH_EM_DAY" - Day of the month when the task should be run (1-31).
On start of a component00x80-"EVENT_TYPE" = "KLBLAG_EV_ONAPPSTART"
Every N minutes, beginning from a date50x400-"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" - Time of first execution of task.
"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" = Execution period, in seconds.
Start task after client's Update task is completed.00x800-
Start after N seconds after the product starts00x1000-"klprts-DelayOnAppTaskStart" = Execution delay in minutes.
No user-editable schedule00x2000-
After the Administration Server's update retranslation task completes00x1000x4000
+---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION" - See Task start conditions
On virus outbreak event00x1000x8000
+---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION" - See Task start conditions
    +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_VALUE" = See virus outbreak source in Task start conditions
After another task completes00x1000x10000

There are two options, depending of the following conditions:

Controlled task - Task that is scheduled to start after the execution of the controlling task.

bServerExecutedTask = (ProductNameOf_ControlledTask == KLCS_PRODUCT_ADMSERVER && !GetRegFlag(TS_SERVERSIDETASK))

If (bServerExecutedTask == TRUE || ProdNameOf_ControllingTask == "1093"), then use the format for server's tasks. Otherwise, use the format for the client's tasks.

  • For server's tasks
        +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION" - See Task start conditions
            +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_TYPE" = 3
            +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_VALUE_EX" - See Task states
            +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_VALUE" - Group task ID
            +---"KLPRTS_START_CONDITION_VALUE2" - Task ID in KLPRTS::TasksStorage
  • For client's tasks
        +---"EVENT_TYPE" = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
        +---"EVENT_BODY_FILTER" - Parameters
            +---"KLPRCI_TASK_TS_ID" - Task ID in KLPRTS::TasksStorage
            +---"KLPRCI_newState" - See Task states
Weekly, at a certain day and time.00x1000x20000
If "TASKSCH_WEEKSDAYS" exists and "TASKSCH_WD_DAYS" <> is 0, we have a weekly execution schedule
+---"TASKSCH_WEEKSDAYS" - Parameters in parTaskInfo
    +---"TASKSCH_WD_DAYS" - Days when task should be run. This is a bitmask, meaningful bits 0-6. Sunday is 1, Monday (1 << 1) = 2, Tuesday (1 << 2) = 4. Bits may be OR-ed.
    +---"TASKSCH_WD_HOURS" - Time when the task should be run - hour   (0-23).
    +---"TASKSCH_WD_MINS" - Time when the task should be run - minute (0-59).
    +---"TASKSCH_WD_SECS" - Time when the task should be run - second (0-59).
    +---"TASKSCH_MS_PERIOD" - Period in weeks (1-52).
Controlled by application00x1000x40000
Months Days Schedule. see KLSCH::MonthsDaysSchedule70x1000x80000
"TASKSCH_MD_DAYS" - Days when the task should be run.
    This is a bitmask of first four weeks of a month (4*7=28 bits total),
    first bit is Sunday of first week, second bit is Monday of first week, etc.
    Bits may be OR-ed.
    Some examples:
    First Sunday of a month                 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000001 = 1
    Second Monday of a month                0000000 0000000 0000010 0000000 = 256
    First Sunday and second Monday of month 0000000 0000000 0000010 0000001 = 257
"TASKSCH_MD_LAST_WEEK" - Days of last week of a month. Bitmask with 7 meaningful bits.
    First bit means last Sunday of a month, second bit means last Monday of a month, etc.
Last Thursday of a month 0010000 = 16
"TASKSCH_MD_HOURS" - Time when the task should be run - hour (0-23).
"TASKSCH_MD_MINS" - Time when the task should be run - minute (0-59).
"TASKSCH_MD_SECS" - Time when the task should be run - second (0-59).

Notification settings for changing the state of the task (see KLPRSS_EVPNotifications description).

                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false
                       +---KLPRCI_newState = 2
                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLEVP_GroupTaskSyncState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false
                    |   +---KLPRCI_newState = 4
                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false
                    |   +---KLPRCI_newState = 1
                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT = 7
                    +---KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE = "KLPRCI_TaskState"
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES = false
                    +---KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG = false

The above snippet describes the rules for processing two types of events: KLPRCI_TaskState and KLEVP_GroupTaskSyncState. The processing method depends on the severity (ERR, INF, WRN) of a specific event and its content (KLPRCI_newState). See Events notification settings.

Parameter nameTypeDescription
"KLEVP_ND_DAYS_TO_STORE_EVENT"paramIntTime limit (in days) for storing in database.
"KLEVP_ND_EVETN_TYPE"paramStringType of event.
"KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_LOG"paramBoolStore event in event log on a host.
"KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_CLIENT_PRES"paramBoolMust be set to false.
"KLEVP_ND_STORE_AT_SERVER_LOG"paramBoolStore event in event log on the server.
"KLEVP_ND_BODY_FILTER"paramParamsFilter on content of event.