Kaspersky Security Center API description
Group tasks view

Parameter 'pParams' of SrvView::ResetIterator method can contain:

  • "nGroupId" (paramInt) unique ID of administration group, in the context of which the request is made (the group that is currently open in the administration console). If you specify this option, that tasks in this administration group will be issued, as well as tasks that come from the top of the administration group hierarchy.
    If 'pParams' is NULL or nGroupId = -1 then request will return all group tasks.

View name:GroupTasksSrvView



strTaskparamStringUnique task ID
TASK_NAMEparamStringTask type name
txtDisplayNameparamStringTask display name
TASKID_PRODUCT_NAMEparamStringTask product name
TASKID_PRODUCT_VERSIONparamStringTask product version
nGroupTaskIdparamIntGroup task ID
strGroupTaskIdparamStringGroup task string ID
nGroupIdparamIntAdministration group ID
strGroupNameparamStringAdministration group name
bApplyToSlavesparamBoolTask is applied to virtual and secondary servers
nVServerIdparamIntVirtual server ID
strErrorDescriptionparamStringError description string
strClusterIdparamStringCluster identity
TASK_AUTOCREATED_GRPparamStringAutocreated task group name, see Autocreated task group
nDestinationTypeparamIntTask destination type, possible values see Task destination types
nTaskNewStateparamIntTask state
nCompletedPercentparamIntTask completion percent
nNeedRebootCountparamIntCount of hosts which need reboot
nStateNoneCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'Pending' state
nInProgressCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'InProgress' state
nFinishedOkCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'FinishedOk' state
nFinishedWarningCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'FinishedWarning' state
nFinishedFailCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'FinishedFail' state
nScheduledCountparamIntCount of hosts on which task is in 'Scheduled' state

Count of hosts on which task is in 'Paused' state

See also: