Deleting an account in Kaspersky Business Hub

If you want to stop using Kaspersky Next and Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365, you can delete your account from Kaspersky Business Hub.

When deleting an account, all data associated with that account is lost.

After you delete your account, you can no longer gain access to your workspaces in Kaspersky Next, Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365, and Expert View. If you were the only administrator in a workspace, the workspace will be duly deleted. Additionally, you lose access to your My Kaspersky account.

To delete an account in Kaspersky Business Hub:

  1. In Kaspersky Next Management Console, click the link containing your account name, and then select Manage user account.

    The User account settings window opens.

  2. Select the Delete user account section.

    The Delete user account section displays information about the consequences of account deletion and, below that information, the Delete button.

  3. Please read the information about account deletion, and then click the Delete button.

    The Enter your user account password window opens.

  4. In the password entry field, enter your password, and then click the Continue button.

Your account is deleted.

See also:

Deleting the workspace of a company

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