Viewing the event log

The event log displays events that occur on managed devices and general events. This information is available on the Information panelEvent log tab of Kaspersky Next Management Console.

The event log contains columns with the following details:

By default, the event log does not display any data.

To view events in the list,

Click the Retrieve latest events button.

You can filter the event log.

By default, the quick filter is displayed. It allows you to filter the displayed records by the event severity.

To apply the quick filter to the event log,

Next to Show events, click the link with the required severity.

To remove the quick filter,

Click the All link.

To apply the extended filter to the event log:

  1. Click Extended filter to use the extended filter.
  2. Select the required values in the drop-down lists:
    • Period.

      The period over which events occurred.

    • Event severity.

      The severity of events.

    • Type.

      The type of devices on which events occurred. The list contains operating systems for protected devices and General for other events.

You can sort the event log by any column.

To sort the event log,

Click the link containing the column name.

The column name is displayed in uppercase characters. Next to the name of the column, an up arrow (˄) indicates the sorting direction. To change the sorting direction, click one more time. Next to the name of the column, a down arrow (˅) appears.

By default, the event log is sorted by the Date and time column.

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