Kaspersky Next Pro View

Importing a security profile from a file

You can export a security profile to a file, and then import it to another workspace in a few clicks.

To import a security profile from a file:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Security managementSecurity profiles section.

    The Security profiles section contains a list of security profiles configured in Kaspersky Next.

  3. Above the list of security profiles, click the AddImport button.

    The button is not available if the workspace already contains 20 security profiles.

  4. Click the Browse button, and then select the file with the profile settings that you exported earlier.
  5. If you protected the file with a password during export, a field for entering the password appears. Specify the password, and then click the Submit button.
  6. Kaspersky Next analyzes the file and determines whether the file is valid, and whether the profile settings can be imported from it. Further actions depend on the analysis results:
    • No error messages and no important notes appear.

      The profile can be imported. Click the Import button to start import.

    • One or several important notes appear (for example, a security profile with the same name as specified in the file exists in this workspace).

      The profile can be imported. If you agree with the solutions described in the notes (for example, the imported profile will be automatically renamed), click the Import button to start import.

    • There is a problem with the selected file or with the import in general (for example, the file was manually edited or you specified a wrong password).

      The profile cannot be imported. Do as instructed by Kaspersky Next (for example, select another file or re-type your password).

The security profile is imported to the workspace.