Viewing widgets

Kaspersky Next allows you to monitor security trends in your organization's network by providing you with a graphical display of information. The information is displayed as a set of widgets, presented as donut charts, tables, and graphs. The information displayed in widgets is not updated automatically. You can use the refresh feature of your browser to update the widgets.

Each widget contains information about all of the managed devices in your organization. Unless otherwise specified in the name of a widget, widgets show information from the last 30 days.

Some widgets have text information with links. You can view detailed information by clicking a link.

Widgets are displayed on the Information panelMonitoring tab of Kaspersky Next Management Console.

What you need to know about some of the widgets:

If you click a link in one of the widgets that display information about devices (for example, Protection status of devices), Management Console displays the list of devices, with information filtered according to your selection. The same applies to widgets that display information about users (for example, Users without devices) and about vulnerabilities (for example, Devices by severity level of vulnerabilities).

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