Kaspersky Next Pro View

Working with reports

This section lists operations that you can perform with reports on device protection:

  • Generate a report.
  • View the properties of a device that is shown in a report.
  • Sort the data in a report.
  • Create a PDF or CSV file of a report.

You can also configure regular delivery of reports by email.

To generate a report,

On the Reports tab, click the link with the name of the report.

The report is displayed in a new window. At the top of the window, a caption is displayed. The caption includes a report name, date, and time of the report generation. Under the caption, a line of totals and a chart (if applicable) with a legend are displayed. Below a table with the report, data is shown. If there is no data for report generation, the appropriate text is displayed.

You can view the properties of the devices listed in a report. You can also sort data in a report by any column. By default, data is sorted by the Device column.

To view the properties of a device,

In the Device column, click the link with the device name.

The device properties page opens. If the device is not found, the Devices section opens.

To sort the data in a report,

Click the link containing the column name.

The column name is displayed in uppercase characters. Next to the name of the column, an up arrow (˄) indicates the sorting direction. To change the sorting direction, click one more time. Next to the name of the column, a down arrow (˅) appears.

To create a PDF or CSV file of a report,

Do one of the following:

  • On the Reports tab, next to the name of a report, click the PDF or CSV link.
  • In the upper-right corner of the generated report window, click the Create PDF file or Create CSV file link.

The report in PDF or CSV format will be downloaded to your device.

The data in the report in PDF or CSV can differ from the data in the same report displayed onscreen, because when you create a file, you generate the report at a different moment in time.