KasperskyOS Community Edition

Dynamically created IPC channels

August 2, 2023

ID ipc_channel_create_dynamic

A dynamically created IPC channel uses the following functions:

An IPC channel is dynamically created according to the following scenario:

  1. The following processes are started: client, server, and name server.
  2. The server connects to the name server by using the NsCreate() call and publishes the server name, interface name, and endpoint name by using the NsPublishService() call.
  3. The client uses the NsCreate() call to connect to the name server and then uses the NsEnumServices() call to search for the server name and endpoint name based on the interface name.
  4. The client uses the KnCmConnect() call to request access to the endpoint and passes the found server name and endpoint name as arguments.
  5. The server calls the KnCmListen() function to check for requests to access the endpoint.
  6. The server accepts the client request to access the endpoint by using the KnCmAccept() call and passes the client name and endpoint name received from the KnCmListen() call as arguments.

Steps 2 and 3 can be skipped if the client already knows the server name and endpoint name in advance.

The server can use the NsUnPublishService() call to unpublish endpoints that were previously published on the name server.

The server can use the KnCmDrop() call to reject requests to access endpoints.

To use a name server, the solution security policy must allow interaction between a process of the kl.core.NameServer class and processes between which IPC channels must be dynamically created.

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