KasperskyOS Community Edition

IProviderControl interface

August 2, 2023

ID messagebus_component_icontrol

The IProviderControl interface provides the methods for registering and deregistering publishers and subscribers in the message bus.

A description of the IProviderControl interface is provided in the file named messagebus/i_messagebus_control.h.

The IProviderFactory interface is used to obtain an interface instance.

Registering and deregistering a publisher

The IProviderControl::RegisterPublisher() method is used to register the publisher in the message bus. This method receives the message subject and puts the unique ID of the bus client into the output parameter. If the message subject is already registered in the bus, the call will be declined and the client ID will not be filled.

The IProviderControl::UnregisterPublisher() method is used to deregister a publisher in the message bus. This method accepts the bus client ID received during registration. If the indicated ID is not registered as a publisher ID, the call will be declined.

i_messagebus_control.h (fragment)

class IProviderControl



virtual fdn::ResultCode RegisterPublisher(const Topic& topic, ClientId& id) = 0;

virtual fdn::ResultCode UnregisterPublisher(ClientId id) = 0;



Registering and deregistering a subscriber

The IProviderControl::RegisterSubscriber() method is used to register the subscriber in the message bus. This method accepts the subscriber name and the list of subjects of messages for the necessary subscription, and puts the unique ID of the bus client into the output parameter.

The IProviderControl::UnregisterSubscriber() method is used to deregister a subscriber in the message bus. This method accepts the bus client ID received during registration. If the indicated ID is not registered as a subscriber ID, the call will be declined.

i_messagebus_control.h (fragment)

class IProviderControl



virtual fdn::ResultCode RegisterSubscriber(const std::string& subscriberName, const std::set<Topic>& topics, ClientId& id) = 0;

virtual fdn::ResultCode UnregisterSubscriber(ClientId id) = 0;



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