KasperskyOS Community Edition

PSL language syntax

August 2, 2023

ID ssp_descr_psl_syntax_intro

Basic rules

  1. Declarations can be listed in any sequence in a file.
  2. One declaration can be written to one or multiple lines. The second and subsequent lines of the declaration must be written with indentations relative to the first line. The closing brace that completes the declaration can be written on the first line.
  3. A multi-line declaration utilizes different-sized indentations to reflect the nesting of constructs comprising this declaration. The second and subsequent lines of a multi-line construct enclosed in braces must be written with an indentation relative to the first line of this construct. The closing brace of a multi-line construct can be written with an indentation or on the first line of the construct.
  4. The PSL language is case sensitive.
  5. Single-line comments and multi-line comments are supported:

    /* This is a comment

    * And this, too */

    // Another comment

Types of declarations

The PSL language has declarations for the following purposes:

  • Describing the global parameters of a solution security policy
  • Including PSL files
  • Including EDL files
  • Creating security model objects
  • Binding methods of security models to security events
  • Describing security audit profiles
  • Describing solution security policy tests

In this section

Describing the global parameters of a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy

Including PSL files

Including EDL files

Creating security model objects

Binding methods of security models to security events

Describing security audit profiles

Describing and performing tests for a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy

PSL data types

Examples of binding security model methods to security events

Example descriptions of basic security policies for KasperskyOS-based solutions

Example descriptions of security audit profiles

Example descriptions of tests for KasperskyOS-based solution security policies

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