The help for this version of the solution is no longer updated, so it may contain outdated information. For up-to-date information about the solution refer to the Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management 4.1 Help.
Installing administration plug-ins from the list of available distribution packages
To install the administration plug-ins:
In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, select Console settings > Web plug-ins.
Click the Add button.
This opens the list of up-to-date versions of Kaspersky applications.
Install the administration plug-ins:
In the list of available applications, click the Mobile devices section to expand it.
Select Kaspersky Security for Mobile (Devices), and then click Install plug-in.
Select Kaspersky Security for Mobile (Policies), and then click Install plug-in.
The distribution packages are downloaded and the plug-ins are installed. When each plug-in is installed and added to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, a confirmation window is displayed.