Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

About encryption status

While encryption or decryption in progress, Kaspersky Endpoint Security relays information about the status of encryption parameters applied to client computers to Kaspersky Security Center.

The following encryption status values are possible:

  • Encryption policy not defined. A Kaspersky Security Center encryption policy has not been defined for the computer.
  • Applying policy. Data encryption and / or decryption is in progress on the computer.
  • Error. An error occurred during data encryption and / or decryption on the computer.
  • Reboot required. The operating system has to be rebooted in order to start or finish data encryption or decryption on the computer.
  • Compliant with policy. Data encryption on the computer has been completed using the encryption settings specified in the Kaspersky Security Center policy applied to the computer.
  • Cancelled by user. The user has declined to confirm the file encryption operation on the removable drive.