Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

Installing the application with the REST API

To manage the application through the REST API, you need to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with support for the REST API. If you manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security through the REST API, you cannot manage the application using Kaspersky Security Center.

To install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with REST API support:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder that contains the distribution package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.2.0 or later.
  3. Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the following settings:
    • RESTAPI=1
    • RESTAPI_User=<User name>

      User name for managing the application through the REST API. Enter the user name in the format <DOMAIN>\<UserName> (for example, RESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator). You can manage the application through the REST API only under this account. You can select only one user to work with the REST API.

    • RESTAPI_Port=<Port>

      Port used for data exchange. Optional parameter. Port 6782 is selected by default.

    • AdminKitConnector=1

      Application management using administration systems. Management is allowed by default.

    You can also use the setup.ini file to define the settings for working with the REST API.

You can define the settings for working with the RESТ API only during application installation. It is not possible to change the settings after the application is installed. If you want to change the settings, uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security and reinstall it with the new settings for working with the REST API.


setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pKSN=1 /pALLOWREBOOT=1 /pAdminKitConnector=1 /pRESTAPI=1 /pRESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator /s

As a result, you will be able to manage the application through the REST API. To verify its operation, open the REST API documentation using a GET request.


GET http://localhost:6782/kes/v1/api-docs