Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

Restoring Authentication Agent account credentials

These instructions are intended for users of client computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed.

To restore the user name and password of an Authentication Agent account:

  1. Authentication Agent loads on a computer with encrypted hard drives before the operating system is loaded. In the interface of Authentication Agent, click the Forgot your Password button to initiate the process of restoring the user name and password of an Authentication Agent account.
  2. Follow the instructions of the Authentication Agent to obtain the request units for restoring the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account.
  3. Dictate the contents of the request blocks to the LAN administrator of your enterprise together with the name of the computer.
  4. Enter the sections of the response to the Authentication Agent account user name and password restoration request that have been generated and provided to you by the LAN administrator.
  5. Enter a new password for the Authentication Agent account and confirm it.

    The user name of the Authentication Agent account is defined using the sections of the response to the requests for restoration of the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account.

After you enter and confirm the new password of the Authentication Agent account, the password will be saved and you will be provided access to encrypted hard drives.