Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

Deleting an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule exclusion

To delete an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the Settings button.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Security Controls section, select the Adaptive Anomaly Control subsection.

    The settings of the Adaptive Anomaly Control component are displayed in the right part of the window.

  3. In the table in the right part of the window, select a rule.
  4. Click the Edit button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule window opens.

  5. In the Exclusions from rule table, select the relevant row.
  6. Click the Delete button.
  7. In the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule window, click OK.
  8. To save changes, click the Save button.