Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

Changing the application components

During installation of the application, you can select the components that will be available. You can change the available application components in the following ways:

  • Locally, by using the Setup Wizard.

    Application components are changed by using the normal method for a Windows operating system, which is through the Control Panel. The Setup Wizard starts. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Remotely through Kaspersky Security Center.

    The Change application components task allows you to change the components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security after the application is installed.

Please take into account the following special considerations when changing the application components:

  • On computers running Windows Server, you cannot install all components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (for example, the Adaptive Anomaly Control component is not available).
  • If the hard drives on your computer are protected by Full Disk Encryption (FDE), you cannot remove the Full Disk Encryption component. To remove the Full Disk Encryption component, decrypt all the hard drives of the computer.
  • If the computer has encrypted files (FLE) or the user uses encrypted removable drives (FDE or FLE), it will be impossible to access the files and removable drives after the Data Encryption components are removed. You can access the files and removable drives by reinstalling the Data Encryption components.

To change the application components through Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. In the main window of Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Change application components.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Add the Application Control component.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned section, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click the Next button.
  5. Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  6. Click the Change application components task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  7. Select the Application settings tab.
  8. Select the application components that will be available.
  9. If necessary, enable password protection for task performance:
    1. Select the Set password for modifying the set of application components check box.
    2. Enter the KLAdmin user account credentials.
  10. Click the Save button.
  11. Select the check box next to the task.
  12. Click the Run button.

As a result, the set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components on users' computers will be changed in silent mode. The settings of available components will be displayed in the local interface of the application. The components that were not included in the application are disabled, and the settings of these components are not available.