Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.2.0

Managing Tasks

Kaspersky Security Center controls the activity of Kaspersky applications on client computers by means of tasks. Tasks implement the primary administrative functions, such as key installation, computer scanning, and database and application software module updates.

You can create the following types of tasks to administer Kaspersky Endpoint Security through Kaspersky Security Center:

  • Local tasks that are configured for an individual client computer.
  • Group tasks that are configured for client computers within administration groups.
  • Tasks for a set of computers that do not belong to administration groups.

    Tasks for a set of computers that do not belong to administration groups are applied only to the client computers that are specified in the task settings. If new client computers are added to a set of computers for which a task is configured, this task does not apply to these new computers. To apply the task to these computers, create a new task or edit the settings of the existing task.

To remotely manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can use the following tasks of any of the listed types:

  • Add key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a key for application activation, including an additional key.
  • Change application components. Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs or removes components on client computers according to the list of components specified in the task settings.
  • Inventory. Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives information about all application executable files that are stored on computers.

    You can enable inventory of DLL modules and script files. In this case, Kaspersky Security Center will receive information about DLL modules loaded on a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, and about files containing scripts.

    Enabling inventory of DLL modules and script files significantly increases the inventory task duration and the database size.

    If the Application Control component is not installed on a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, the inventory task on this computer will return an error.

  • Update. Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates databases and application modules according to the configured update settings.
  • Wipe data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes files and folders from users' computers immediately or if there is no connection with Kaspersky Security Center for a long time.
  • Last update rollback. Kaspersky Endpoint Security rolls back the last update of databases and modules.
  • Virus scan. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the computer areas specified in the task settings for viruses and other threats.
  • Integrity Check. Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives data about the set of application modules installed on the client computer and scans the digital signature of each module.
  • Manage Authentication Agent accounts. While performing this task, Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates commands for removing, adding, or modifying Authentication Agent accounts.

You can perform the following actions with tasks:

  • Start, stop, suspend, and resume tasks.
  • Create new tasks.
  • Edit task settings.

The rights to access the settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks (read, write, execute) are defined for each user who has access to Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, through the settings of access to functional areas of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To configure access to the functional areas of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, go to the Security section of the properties window of Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.

For more details on task management through Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

In this section:

Configuring the task management mode

Creating a local task

Creating a group task

Creating a task for device selection

Starting, stopping, suspending, and resuming a task

Editing task settings

Inventory task settings