Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Working with the REST API

July 3, 2024

ID 204471

Working with MDR through the REST API includes getting, creating, and updating assets, incidents, responses, and users.


The REST API methods require client_id value. You can get your client_id value in the Token info block of any refresh token in MDR Web Console.

Following are examples of script for Python and Shell that demonstrate core REST API capabilities:

  • Define the certificate path, REST API URL, client ID, and the tokens
  • Get access token and refresh token for the next access token update
  • Get the number of asset
  • Get the list of assets or asset details
  • Get the number of incidents, the list of the incidents, or the incident details
  • Get the list of responses for the incident
  • Confirm, decline the response, or update the response list
  • Get the list of comments for the specified incident, or create a new comment for the specified incident

Example (Python):


# General part



import time

import datetime

import requests

import jwt


# The certificate is required for authentication of an external resource

# You can download the certificate from https://mdr.kaspersky.com,

# save it to your disk, and add the path to it in the variable:

VERIFY_CERT_PATH = "C:\\tools\\DigiCert Global Root G2.crt"



API_URL = "https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1"


# Your client's ID and your tokens.

# For details about getting your ID and the tokens, refer to the help https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm

CLIENT_ID = "9ed43ed54sAmpleIdf349323951f" # (Paste your value)

REFRESH_TOKEN = "ReFrEsHToKeN" # (Paste your value)

ACCESS_TOKEN = "AcCeSsToKeN" # (Paste your value)




# Get access token and a refresh token for the next access token update




refresh_token_exp = jwt.decode(REFRESH_TOKEN, options={"verify_signature": False}).get("exp")

print(f"REFRESH_TOKEN expiration date and time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(refresh_token_exp)}")

if refresh_token_exp > time.time():

print("REFRESH_TOKEN is actual")



"You should update REFRESH_TOKEN. Please take it from MDR Console (https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm)."





"You should fill REFRESH_TOKEN value. Please take it from MDR Console (https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm)."




# Check the presence and validity of the access token

need_update_access_token = False


access_token_exp = jwt.decode(ACCESS_TOKEN, options={"verify_signature": False}).get("exp")

print(f"ACCESS_TOKEN expiration date and time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(access_token_exp)}")

if access_token_exp > time.time():

print("ACCESS_TOKEN is actual")


need_update_access_token = True


need_update_access_token = True


# If necessary, update the access token and refresh token for the next access token update

access_token = ACCESS_TOKEN

if need_update_access_token:

request_body = {"refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN}

result = requests.post(url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/session/confirm", json=request_body, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH)

result_json = result.json()


if "error" in result_json:




# It is necessary to save the refresh token in order to obtain next access token after the expiration of the current access token

refresh_token = result_json["refresh_token"]


f'!!! Your new REFRESH_TOKEN for the next time for request ACCESS_TOKEN (please replace value of REFRESH_TOKEN with this value): "{refresh_token}"'



# A new access token is required to retrieve the data

access_token = result_json["access_token"]

print(f'!!! Your new ACCESS_TOKEN (please replace value of ACCESS_TOKEN with this value): "{access_token}"')


# The access token is added to the request header

headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}




# Get the number of assets



# The date and time are in milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

request_body = {

"max_last_seen": int(time.time())

* 1000, # Limiting the maximum time for the last appearance of the asset to the current time

"min_last_seen": 1639311132000, # Limiting the minimum time for the last appearance of the asset with the constant - Sunday, December 12, 2021 12:12:12 PM (GMT)


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/assets/count", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get the list of assets



request_body = {

# Search parameters:

"max_last_seen": int(time.time())

* 1000, # Limiting the maximum time for the last appearance of the asset to the current time

"min_last_seen": 1639311132000, # Limiting the minimum time for the last appearance of the asset with the constant - Sunday, December 12, 2021 12:12:12 PM (GMT)

"domain": "",

"host_names": ["MA-MDR-KES-S", "SIN-MDR-KSC"], # (Paste your value) Host names list

"is_isolated": False,

"network_interface": "",

"os_version": "Windows", # The asset must contain the specified line in the name of the OS

"product": "",

"search_phrase": "mdr", # Phrase to search by field contents: "host_name", "domain", "installed_product_info", "network_interfaces", "os_version"

"statuses": ["OK", "ABSENT"], # Search for assets with the current statuses listed here

# Options for displaying search results:

"sort": "first_seen:asc", # Sort results by time of first occurrence. In case of page-by-page retrieval of results, it is necessary to specify a field for sorting that will not change from query to query, for example, "first_seen" (do not specify fields whose values are constantly changing, for example, the field "last_seen"; this may lead to incorrect results).

"page_size": 100, # Assets per page - 100

"page": 1, # Get the first page of search results

"version": 2, # Solution version


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/assets/list", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get asset details



request_body = {

"asset_id": "0xFA6A68CC9A9415963DE841048A3BE929", # (Paste your value) Asset ID

"version": 2, # Solution version


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/assets/details", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get the number of incidents



request_body = {

"max_update_time": int(time.time())

* 1000, # Limit the maximum time of the last incident update to the current time

"min_update_time": 1639311132000, # Limiting the minimum time for the last incident update with the constant - Sunday, December 12, 2021 12:12:12 PM (GMT)

"affected_hosts": [


], # (Paste your value) Host list in "host_name:asset_id" format


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/incidents/count", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get the list of incidents



request_body = {

# Search parameters:

"max_creation_time": int(time.time())

* 1000, # Limit the maximum time of the incident creation to the current time

"min_creation_time": 1639311132000, # Limiting the minimum time for the incident creation with the constant - Sunday, December 12, 2021 12:12:12 PM (GMT)

"asset_ids": [


], # (Paste your value) List of assets for which we get the incidents

"priorities": ["HIGH"],

"resolutions": ["True positive"],

"response_statuses": ["Confirmed"],

"response_types": ["hash"],

"statuses": ["Closed"],

# Parameters for providing results

"markdown_to_html": True, # Results in HTML format. If the value is "False", the results are in Markdown format.

"sort": "creation_time:asc", # Sort results by date and time of incident creation. In case of page-by-page retrieval of results, it is necessary to specify a field for sorting that will not change from query to query, for example, creation_time (do not specify fields whose values are constantly changing, for example, the "update_time" field; this may lead to incorrect results).

"page_size": 100, # Incidents per page - 100

"page": 1, # Get the first page of search results


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/incidents/list", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get incident details



request_body = {

"incident_id": "60gWG4UBMUGN-LWUuv1m", # (Paste your value) Incident ID

"markdown_to_html": True, # Results in HTML format. If the value is "False", the results are in Markdown format.


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/incidents/details", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Get a list of responses for the incident



request_body = {

"incident_id": "60gWG4UBMUGN-LWUuv1m", # (Paste your value) Incident ID

"page_size": 10, # Responses per page - 10

"page": 1, # Get the first page of search results


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/responses/list", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Confirm the response



request_body = {

"response_id": "CEgYG4UBMUGN-LWULP7W", # (Paste your value) Response ID

"comment": "comment_text", # Comment to be added to the response

"status": "Confirmed", # New response status - "Confirmed"


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/response/update", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Decline the response



request_body = {

"response_id": "CEgYG4UBMUGN-LWULP7W", # (Paste your value) Response ID

"comment": "comment_text", # Comment to be added to the response

"status": "Declined", # New response status - "Declined"


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/response/update", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH






# Update response list



request_body = {

"responses_ids": [



], # (Paste your values) Response IDs

"comment": "comment_text", # Comment to be added to the responses

"status": "Confirmed", # New responses status - "Confirmed"


result = requests.post(

url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/responses/update", json=request_body, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH



Example (Shell):

# Get access token and new refresh token

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/session/confirm -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}"}'

# Reply example. Next, you must use the access_token to retrieve the data and the refresh_token to retrieve the new access token and refresh token.


"access_token": "SamPLET346yoKEnSamPLEToK25EnSamPLEToK35EnS",

"refresh_token": "tOKenSaMPlet259OKenS123aMPle926tOKenSaMPle"



# Get the number of assets

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/assets/count -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"max_last_seen": 1704103200000, "min_last_seen": 1704762000000}'


# Get the list of assets

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/assets/list -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"max_last_seen": 1704103200000, "min_last_seen": 1704762000000, "domain": "", "host_names": ["MA-MDR-KES-S","SIN-MDR-KSC"], "is_isolated": false, "network_interface": "", "os_version": "Windows", "product": "", "search_phrase": "mdr", "statuses": ["OK","ABSENT"], "sort": "first_seen:asc", "page_size": 100, "page": 1, "version": 2}'


# Get asset details

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/assets/details -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"asset_id": "0xFA6A68CC9A9415963DE841048A3BE929", "version": 2}'


# Get the number of incidents

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/incidents/count -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"max_update_time": 1704103200000, "min_update_time": 1704762000000, "affected_hosts": ["MA-MDR-KES-S:0xFA6A68CC9A9415963DE841048A3BE929"]}'


# Get the list of incidents

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/incidents/list -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"max_creation_time": 1704103200000, "min_creation_time": 1704762000000, "asset_ids": ["0xFA6A68CC9A9415963DE841048A3BE929"], "priorities": ["HIGH"], "resolutions": ["True positive"], "response_statuses": ["Confirmed"], "response_types": ["hash"], "statuses": ["Closed"], "markdown_to_html": true, "sort": "creation_time:asc", "page_size": 100, "page": 1}'


# Get incident details

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/incidents/details -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"incident_id": "60gWG4UBMUGN-LWUuv1m", "markdown_to_html": true}'


# Get a list of responses for the incident

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/responses/list -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"incident_id": "60gWG4UBMUGN-LWUuv1m", "page_size": 10, "page": 1}'


# Update the response

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/response/update -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"response_id": "CEgYG4UBMUGN-LWULP7W", "comment": "comment_text", "status": "Confirmed"}'


# Update response list

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/responses/update -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -d '{"responses_ids": ["CEgYG4UBMUGN-LWULP7W", "2ESl6IgB4cAOUyXBb5IB"], "comment": "comment_text", "status": "Confirmed"}'

REST API reply example with the access token and new refresh token:


"access_token": "SamPLET346yoKEnSamPLEToK25EnSamPLEToK35EnS",

"refresh_token": "tOKenSaMPlet259OKenS123aMPle926tOKenSaMPle"


REST API reply example with the structure and values of comments:


"comment_id": "bfu6TiNghqp",

"author_name": "John Doe",

"text": "<p>The first comment.</p>",

"creation_time": 1601295428640

}, {

"comment_id": "bfu6TiNghqt",

"author_name": "Jane Doe",

"text": "<p>The second comment.</p>",

"creation_time": 1601295433441


REST API reply example when REST API creates a new comment and sends a response with the comment details:


"comment_id": "AXTej0Qi4bfu6TiNgmvT",

"author_name": "Token name",

"text": "This is a new comment created via the REST API.",

"creation_time": 1601461748122


See also:

Scenario: performing token-based authorization

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