Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.1

Adding and editing a web resource access rule

To add or edit a web resource access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the Settings button.
  2. In the left part of the window, in the Security Controls section, select Web Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Web Control component are displayed.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a rule, click the Add button.
    • If you want to edit a rule, select the rule in the table and click the Edit button.

    The Rule of access to web resources window opens.

  4. Specify or edit the settings of the rule. To do so:
    1. In the Name field, enter or edit the name of the rule.
    2. From the Filter content drop-down list, select the required option:
      • Any content.
      • By content categories.
      • By types of data.
      • By content categories and types of data.
    3. If an option other than Any content is selected, sections open for selecting categories of content and/or data types. Select the check boxes next to the names of the required categories of content and/or data types.

      Selecting the check box next to the name of a content category and/or data type means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the rule to control access to web resources that belong to the selected categories of content and/or data types.

    4. From the Apply to addresses drop-down list, select the required option:
      • To all addresses.
      • To individual addresses.
    5. If the To individual addresses option is selected, a section opens where you create a list of web resources. You can add or edit the addresses and / or groups of addresses of web resources by using the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons.

      If Encrypted Connections Scan is disabled, for the HTTPS protocol you can only filter by the server name.

    6. From the Apply to addresses drop-down list, select the required option:
      • To all users.
      • To individual users or groups.
    7. If you selected the To individual users or groups item, the section is displayed, where you can create the list of users or user groups, whose access to the web resources described by the rule, is controlled by this rule. You can add or delete users and user groups by using the Add and Delete buttons.

      By clicking the Add button the Select Users or Groups dialog opens, standard for Microsoft Windows.

    8. From the Action drop-down list, select the required option:
      • Allow If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows access to web resources that match the parameters of the rule.
      • Block If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access to web resources that match the parameters of the rule.
      • Warn. If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a warning that a web resource is unwanted when the user attempts to access web resources that match the rule. By using links from the warning message, the user can obtain access to the requested web resource.
    9. In the Rule schedule drop-down list, select the name of the necessary schedule or generate a new schedule based on the selected rule schedule. To do so:
      1. Opposite the Rule schedule drop-down list, click the Settings button.

        The Rule schedule window opens.

      2. To add to the rule schedule a time interval during which the rule does not apply, in the table that shows the rule schedule, click the table cells that correspond to the time and day of the week that you want to select.

        The color of the cells turns gray.

      3. To substitute a time interval during which the rule applies with a time interval during which the rule does not apply, click the gray cells in the table that correspond to the time and day of the week that you want to select.

        The color of the cells turns green.

      4. Click the Save as button.

        The Rule schedule name window opens.

      5. Type a rule schedule name or leave the default name that is suggested.
      6. Click OK.
  5. In the Rule of access to web resources window, click OK.
  6. To save changes, click the Save button.