Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.1

Starting and stopping an update task

Regardless of the selected update task run mode, you can start or stop a Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task at any time.

To download an update package from Kaspersky servers, an Internet connection is required.

To start or stop an update task:

  1. Click the Tasks button located in the lower part of the main application window.

    The Tasks window opens.

  2. Click the section with the name of the update task.

    The selected section is expanded.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to start the update task, select Start from the menu.

      The task progress status that is displayed under the name of the update task changes to Running.

    • If you want to stop the update task, select Stop from the menu.

      The task progress status that is displayed under the name of the update task changes to Stopped.

To start or stop the update task when the simplified application interface is displayed:

  1. Right-click to bring up the context menu of the application icon that is in the taskbar notification area.
  2. In the Tasks drop-down list in the context menu, do one of the following:
    • select a non-running update task to start it
    • select a running update task to stop it
    • select a paused update task to resume or restart it