Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.1

AVP commands

To manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
  3. To execute a command, enter:

    avp.com <command> [options]

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will execute the command (see figure below.)


Managing the application from the command line

In this section:

SCAN. Virus Scan

UPDATE. Updating databases and application software modules

ROLLBACK. Rolling back the last update

TRACES. Traces

START. Start the profile

STOP. Stopping a profile

STATUS. Profile status

STATISTICS. Profile operation statistics

RESTORE. Restoring files

EXPORT. Exporting application settings

IMPORT. Importing application settings

ADDKEY. Applying a key file.

LICENSE. Licensing

RENEW. Purchasing a license

PBATESTRESET. Reset the pre-encryption check results

EXIT. Exit the application

EXITPOLICY. Disabling policy

STARTPOLICY. Enabling policy

DISABLE. Disabling protection

SPYWARE. Spyware detection