You can decrypt hard drives even if there is no active license permitting data encryption.
To decrypt hard drives:
This option is available only for Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology.
For details on applying a Kaspersky Security Center policy, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
If the user shuts down or restarts the computer during decryption of hard drives that were encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, the Authentication Agent loads before the next startup of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption after successful authentication in the authentication agent and operating system startup.
If the operating system switches to hibernation mode during decryption of hard drives that were encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, Authentication Agent loads when the operating system comes out of hibernation mode. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption after successful authentication in the authentication agent and operating system startup. After hard drive decryption, hibernation mode is unavailable until the first reboot of the operating system.
If the operating system goes into sleep mode during hard drive decryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption when the operating system comes out of sleep mode without loading the Authentication Agent.
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