Kaspersky Password Manager for Microsoft Windows

Creating a backup copy of the data vault

When using Kaspersky Password Manager, you can create a backup copy of the current data vault at any time.

When creating a backup copy of the data vault, Kaspersky Password Manager exports your data to two files that are stored on your device in the folder you specify. Access to the backup copy is protected by the master password that was used when the backup copy was created. Backup copy files are stored in encrypted form in the PDB and PDB-CRYPTO formats.

You can transfer a backup copy of the data vault to your other devices or removable drives. If you created a new data vault, you can transfer data from the backup copy into the new data vault.

To create a backup copy of the current data vault:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the lower part of the window, click the button.
  3. In the application tray menu, select the Settings item.
  4. The application settings window opens.
  5. In the left part of the window, select the Import/export data section.
  6. In the Backup copy section, click the Create a copy button.
  7. In the window that opens, specify the folder in which the application will save the backup copy of the data vault.
  8. Click OK.

    In the folder you specify, the application will create a subfolder named kpm_<copy creation date>, in which it will place the files of the backup copy of the data vault. The application will notify you about the results of backup copy creation in the window that opens.

  9. Click the Close button to close the window.