Viewing information about the use of cloud services

You can view the Cloud Discovery widget that shows information about attempts to gain access to cloud services. The widget also displays the risk level of each cloud service. Kaspersky Security Center gets information about the use of cloud services from all of the managed devices that are protected only by the security profiles that have the feature enabled.

Before viewing, make sure that:

To view the Cloud Discovery widget:

  1. Go to Kaspersky Security Center.
  2. In the main menu, go to Monitoring & reporting Dashboard.

    The Cloud Discovery widget is displayed on the dashboard.

  3. On the left side of the Cloud Discovery widget, select a category of cloud services.

    The table on the right side of the widget displays up to five services from the selected category, to which users most often try to gain access. Both successful and blocked attempts are counted.

  4. On the right side of the widget, select a specific service.

    The table below displays up to ten devices that most often attempt to gain access to the service. In this table, you can generate two types of reports: report on successful access attempts and report on blocked access attempts.

    In addition, in this table you can block access to the cloud service for a specific device.

The widget displays the requested information.

From the displayed widget, you can do the following:

The blocking capability is available only if you activated Kaspersky Security Center under a Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum or Kaspersky Next XDR Expert license.

The blocking capability is available only if you use Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2 for Windows or later. Earlier versions of the security application only allow you to monitor the use of cloud services.

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