Changing the password for a user account

You may need to change the password for your own account or for another user account if the current password is about to expire or you want to change it to a more secure one.

The password must comply with the following rules:

Changing the password for your own account

To edit the password for your account:

  1. In the main menu, go to your account settings, and then select Change password.
  2. Enter the current password, and then specify the new password for the connection to Kaspersky Security Center.

    To see the entered password, click View the password..

  3. If your account is protected against unauthorized modification, you must confirm that you have the permissions to change this account. In the Account protection window, specify the credentials of your own account or the account that has the Modify object ACLs right in the General features: User permissions functional area.
  4. If two-step verification is enabled for the account that you used in the previous step, enter the security code generated by the authenticator app on the mobile device.

Changing the password for an internal user account

To edit the password for an internal user account:

  1. In the main menu, go to Users & roles → Users & groups, and then select the Users tab.
  2. Click the name of the user account that you want to edit.
  3. In the user settings window that opens, on the General tab, click the Change password button.
  4. Set a new password for the user connection to Kaspersky Security Center.

    To see the entered password, click View the password..

  5. If necessary, enable the User must change password at first sign-in option, to force the password change at the next user authentication.
  6. If the user account is protected against unauthorized modification, you must confirm that you have the permissions to change this account. In the Account protection window, specify the credentials of the account that has the Modify object ACLs right in the General features: User permissions functional area.

Configuring the options for changing a password by using server flags

You can use the klscflag utility to configure changing password by using the following commands:

To view the current flag value, run the following command:

klscflag.exe -fget -pv .core/.independent -s KLLIM -n <flag> -t d

Where <flag> is the LP_SplPwdChangePeriodDays, LP_SplPwdChangeNotificationHours, or LP_SplPwdForceChange flag.

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