Kaspersky Endpoint Security has the following hardware requirements:
Minimum hardware requirements:
Core ™ 2 Duo 1.86 GHz or faster processor
swap partition at least 1 GB
1 GB of RAM for 32-bit operating systems, 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit operating systems
4 GB of free hard disk space for installation of the application and storage of temporary and log files
When using a graphical user interface, the monitor must be capable of displaying windows 1000 pixels wide and 600 pixels high (if screen scaling is applied, these dimensions are also scaled)
Minimum hardware requirements for the Arm architecture:
Armv8.2-A Kunpeng 920 or Armv8-A Baikal-M (BE-M1000) processor or m-TrusT Terminal
swap partition at least 1 GB
2 GB of RAM
3 GB of free hard disk space for installation of the application and storage of temporary and log files
When using a graphical user interface, the monitor must be capable of displaying windows 1000 pixels wide and 600 pixels high (if screen scaling is applied, these dimensions are also scaled)
Using Kaspersky Endpoint Security in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments is not supported on operating systems based on the Arm architecture.
For information on licenses and available functionality for solutions based on Arm architecture, please contact your service provider in your region.