"PATCH /openapi/v1/user/:userId" method

June 26, 2024

ID 242756

Make changes to user data. Moving a company employee to a different training group.



  • Authorization – the company's API token.


  • userId - a string – Identification code of the specific user being moved to a different group.

    It must satisfy the following criteria:

    • 24 characters in length
    • only lowercase letters

Example of a request:



Format – JSON.

  • groupId – a string – ID of the group to which the company employee will be moved.

    It corresponds to the ID of the "/openapi/v1/groups" method.

    The ID must satisfy the following criteria:

    • 24 characters in length
    • only lowercase letters
  • fullName – a string – The employee's full name.
  • shortName – a string – The employee's short name.
  • email – a string – The employee's email address.

Example of the body of a request:


"groupId": "1ab2457896abcc1234567891",

fullName : "Marvin John Mims"

shortName : "Marvin Mims"

email : "mims@mail.com"



JSON containing an array of data about each user.

  • userId – a string – the identification code assigned to the user.
  • currentGroup – an object – an array of data about the current user group.

    In the following format:





    • id – a string – the identification key of the current group.
    • name – a string – the name of the current group.
  • previousGroup – an object – an array of data about the previous user group.

    In the following format:





    • id – identifier key of the previous group.
    • name – the name of the previous group.
  • currentFullName – a string – The employee's current full name.

    The parameter is generated only if fullName is indicated in the source JSON.

  • previousFullName – a string – The employee's previous full name.

    The parameter is generated only if fullName is indicated in the source JSON.

  • currentShortName – a string – The employee's current short name.

    The parameter is generated only if shortName is indicated in the source JSON.

  • currentShortName – a string – The employee's previous short name.

    The parameter is generated only if shortName is indicated in the source JSON.

  • currentEmail – a string – The employee's current email address.

    The parameter is generated only if email is indicated in the source JSON.

  • previousEmail – a string – The employee's previous email address.

    The parameter is generated only if email is indicated in the source JSON.

    Example of a response:


    userId : "1ab2457896abcc1234567891",

    "currentGroup" : {id" : "60e050803050c0704080a0e6", "name" : "Rischio ridotto"},

    "previousGroup" : {id" : "61e151813151c1714181a1e6", "name" : "Rischio elevato"},

    "currentFullName" : "Marvin John Mims",

    "previousFullName" : "Marvin Jon Mims",

    "currentShortName" : "Marvin Mims",

    "previousShortName" : "Marvin",

    "currentEmail" : "mims@mail.com",

    "previousEmail" : "johnmims@mail.com"


Possible errors:

  • 200success – The operation succeeded.
  • 400bad request – Something is wrong with the request. The client should not repeat the request without making changes.
  • 400 – user-email-already-exists-in-company – This email address is already being used at the company.
  • 401 - common-unauthorized - There was an authentication error.
  • 402PAYMENT_REQUIRED – The license is not active.
  • 403 – forbidden – The token does not have the right to use this method.
  • 404 – User not found – An incorrect email address was passed.
  • 404 – Group not found – An incorrect group ID was passed. 
  • 409 – User status not supported for this operation – The request cannot be executed; the user's status does not allow the operation to be performed.
  • 409 – User's education plan is being calculated – The request cannot be executed because the training plan is being calculated.
  • 409cannot-join-group – The employee cannot be moved to the group.
  • 500internal-server-error – there was an internal server error.

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