Training certificate settings

June 26, 2024

ID 210701

To set the user greeting for certificates:

  1. In the application's web interface, select the Company settings section → Email and certificate settings.
  2. Go to the Notifications and user portal settings section, then the System notifications and user portal section, and select the user's language.
  3. Enter the user greeting text in the entry field to the right.

    You can add variables with the add button: short name, full name and email.

  4. Click the view icon to preview the greeting.
  5. Click the Save button.

The user greeting is now set.

To edit certificate design:

  1. In the application's web interface, select the Company settings section → Email and certificate settings.
  2. In the Certificate template settings section:
    • Select the user's language.
    • In the input field under the language selection drop-down list, enter the user's name.

      You can add variables with the add button: short name, full name and email.

  3. In the Certificate design settings section:
    • Click the Text color link in the window that opens and select the font color you want to use in the certificate.
    • Click the Background image link, and upload the picture in the window that opens to use in the certificate as the background image.

      The following images are supported:

      • format: PNG, JPG, JPEG
      • size: up to 2 MB
      • file name length: no more than 64 characters

      Recommended image size: at least 1240 × 1754 pixels (A4).

      If necessary, you can restore the default image by clicking Clear image.

  4. Click the Preview link to view the certificate design.
  5. Click the Save button.

The certificate design is now set.

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