Integration with the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform

June 26, 2024

ID 250647

The Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform ("KUMA") is a SIEM-class solution for the monitoring and analysis of information security incidents that increases the transparency of protected infrastructure, improves the effectiveness of security measures, and helps form a long-term security strategy.

The ASAP platform can be integrated with KUMA. After configuring integration with KUMA, you can do the following:

  • Change user training groups.
  • View user information about courses completed and certificates received.

ASAP and KUMA integration is carried out in the API connection settings to the ASAP platform. The process takes place in both products:

  1. In ASAP, you need to create a token to authorize API requests and get an address for API requests.
  2. In KUMA, you need to specify the address for API requests in ASAP, add a token for the authorization of API requests, and also specify an ASAP administrator email address to receive notifications. Read more in the online KUMA help section.

In this help section

Creating a token in ASAP and receiving links for API requests

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