You use KSN in accordance with the KSN Statement that you read and accept when you enable KSN. If the KSN Statement is updated, it is displayed to you when you update or upgrade Administration Server. You can accept the updated KSN Statement or decline it. If you decline it, you will continue using KSN in accordance with the version of the KSN Statement that you previously accepted.
After updating or upgrading Administration Server, the updated KSN Statement is displayed automatically. If you decline the updated KSN Statement, you can still view and accept it later.
To view and then accept or decline an updated KSN Statement:
The Notifications window opens.
The Kaspersky Security Network Statement update window opens.
Depending on your choice, KSN keeps working in accordance with the terms of the current or updated KSN Statement. You can view the text of the accepted KSN Statement in the properties of Administration Server at any time.
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