Network Threat Protection

The Network Threat Protection component scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack on the user's computer, it blocks the network connection with the attacking computer.

Descriptions of currently known types of network attacks and ways to counteract them are provided in Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. The list of network attacks that the Network Threat Protection component detects is updated during database and application module updates.

Network Threat Protection component settings



Add the attacking computer to the list of blocked computers for N minutes

If the check box is selected, the Network Threat Protection component adds the attacking computer to the blocked list. This means that the Network Threat Protection component blocks the network connection with the attacking computer after the first network attack attempt for the specified amount of time. This block automatically protects the user's computer against possible future network attacks from the same address.


The list contains IP addresses from which Network Threat Protection does not block network attacks.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not log information on network attacks from the IP addresses that are in the list of exclusions.

Protection against MAC spoofing

A MAC spoofing attack consists of changing the MAC address of a network device (network card). As a result, an attacker can redirect data sent to a device to another device and gain access to this data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you block MAC Spoofing attacks and receive notifications about the attacks.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Network Threat Protection

Blocking an attacking computer

Configuring addresses of exclusions from blocking

MAC Spoofing Protection

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