Kaspersky CyberTrace

Looking up events received from Kaspersky CyberTrace in FortiSIEM

April 11, 2024

ID 181637

This section describes how to browse, in FortiSIEM, only those events that are received from Kaspersky CyberTrace.

To browse, in FortiSIEM, events received from Kaspersky CyberTrace:

  1. Open the FortiSIEM web console.
  2. Select the Analytics tab.
  3. Click inside the Edit Filter and Time Range field.

    The Filters form appears which allows you to set a filter and time range for events.

  4. Specify the following filter:
    • Attribute: Reporting Vendor
    • Operator: =
    • Value: Kaspersky
  5. Click the plus sign (+) in the Row column.
  6. In the new row specify another filter:
    • Attribute: Reporting Model
    • Operator: =
    • Value: CyberTrace
  7. In the Time settings group, specify the period during which the desired events arrived to FortiSIEM.
  8. Click Save & Run.

    The Analysis tab now contains only those events from Kaspersky CyberTrace that arrived during the selected period.

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