About the Kaspersky CyberTrace web interface
The Kaspersky CyberTrace web interface is implemented by an HTTP service. This web interface is called Kaspersky CyberTrace Web.
Starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 3.1.0, the mode without a web user interface is not supported.
Kaspersky CyberTrace Web uses tokens for user authentication. A token is stored in cookies and is renewed every several minutes.
The web interface contains the following web pages:
- Login form
- Dashboard that displays statistics of the work of Kaspersky CyberTrace
- Search
In Kaspersky CyberTrace version 3.0, this tab was named Lookup.
- Retroscan
- Indicators
- Detections
- Tasks
Keyboard keys usage
Starting from Kaspersky CyberTrace version 4.0, you can use keyboard keys for actions that usually require a mouse.
The following keyboard keys can be used:
Press ENTER to confirm an action (for example, to go to the next page or to apply changes). This keyboard key is a shortcut for the Next and Save buttons in the Kaspersky CyberTrace web interface.
Press ESC to cancel an action (for example, to cancel changes). This keyboard key is a shortcut for the Cancel button in the Kaspersky CyberTrace web interface.
Integration with Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform
Kaspersky CyberTrace for Linux supports integration with Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform (hereinafter referred to as KUMA). In this integration scheme, Kaspersky CyberTrace web interface serves as a built-in interface for KUMA in order to promote further development of the platform by providing key features of Kaspersky CyberTrace Web.
Kaspersky CyberTrace submits the following pages of the web user interface to KUMA depending on the KUMA user role (Administrator or Analyst). All the pages below, except for the Settings page, are available both for the Administrator and Analyst user roles. The Settings page is available only for Administrators:
- Dashboard
Displaying of this page is supported with some limitations. Thus, you cannot view the statistics of the work of Kaspersky CyberTrace in full-screen mode.
- Search
- Detections
- Indicators
- Retroscan
- Settings