Kaspersky CyberTrace

Kaspersky CyberTrace Matches dashboard

The Kaspersky CyberTrace Matches dashboard provides information about URLs, IP addresses, and hashes from events that match Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds, together with statistical information and a log of matches.

Kaspersky CyberTrace Matches dashboard

Top 10 panels

Match log panel

There is a time range picker and several panels on this dashboard:

  • Time range picker

    You can use it to select a time range for the displayed information.

  • Total number of matches

    This panel displays a chart of the total number of matches with all feeds used by Feed Service.

  • Matches by the eventName field

    This panel displays a table with the number of matches for each category.

  • Top 10 matched hashes

    This panel displays a bar chart of matches for the top 10 hashes.

  • Top 10 matched IPs / URLs

    This panel displays bar charts of matches for the top 10 IP addresses and URLs.

  • Top 10 matched TOR / malware / spam IPs

    This panel displays bar charts of matches for the top 10 IP addresses of Tor exit nodes, malicious IP addresses, and spam IP addresses.

  • Location of matched IPs

    This panel displays a map with the locations of matched IP addresses.

  • Match log

    This panel displays a table with a log of all matches, including actionable context for each match. The actionable context fields below will be displayed. These are fields that you can insert into outgoing events separately from the context of feed records.

    • First_seen
    • Last_seen
    • Popularity
    • Threat
    • Publication name
    • Industry
    • Threat_score
    • File_size
    • Behavior