Response statuses
This section describes Kaspersky CyberTrace REST API response statuses.
For more information about responses, see the individual request descriptions.
200 OK
This status is returned for requests that were successfully processed. The response body holds the result.
201 Created
This status is returned when an entity (a supplier or an indicator) was successfully created. The response body holds the status of the operation.
202 Partial success
This status is returned when only a subset of entities (indicators) were successfully created. The response body holds the status of the operation and information about entities that were not processed.
401 Unauthorized user
The user is not authorized, the specified user does not exist, or the password specified in the authorization header is not valid.
- A request without the Authorization header returns this status.
- A request with an authorization attempt for a non-existent user account returns this status.
403 User does not have rights to this operation
A user does not have rights to perform the operation. This may happen, for example, when the license key does not include the indicator search functionality, or when a user with the Analyst role attempts to add indicators or a new supplier.
The response body may contain the error description.
404 Request not supported
The specified request or API version is not supported.
- The login request is not supported. A
POST /api/1.0/login
request returns this status. - The API version 8.0 is not supported. A
POST /api/8.0/lookup
returns this status.
405 Method Not Allowed
The specified method is not supported.
For example, the lookup request supports only the POST method. A GET /api/1.0/lookup
request returns this status.
425 Kaspersky CyberTrace initializing
A request was made while Kaspersky CyberTrace is still initializing.
406 Not Acceptable
The specified data format is not supported.
For example, if the Accept header contains the application/pdf value, the response returns this status.
429 Too Many Requests
Kaspersky CyberTrace cannot process the request.
The request is rejected and is not processed. You must make another request later.
400 Bad Request
The request has an incorrect format:
- Mandatory headers are not present in the request.
- Request body is required, but not present.
- Request body has an incorrect format.
- Request body parameters have invalid values.
- Request body size does not conform to the size requirements.
500 Internal Server Error
An error occurred while processing the request
The response body may contain the error description.