Kaspersky CyberTrace


This section describes requests that you can make using the Kaspersky CyberTrace API, responses to these requests, and provides examples.

The requests available in the REST API are described below.

Indicator search

You can perform an indicator search with the following request:

  • POST /api/1.0/lookup

    Performs an indicator search in the General tenant.

Managing suppliers

You can manage REST API suppliers by using the following requests:

  • GET /api/1.0/suppliers

    Gets a list of suppliers and their statuses.

  • POST /api/1.0/suppliers

    Adds a new supplier.

  • GET /api/1.0/suppliers/{supplier}

    Gets information about a specified supplier.

  • PUT /api/1.0/suppliers/{supplier}

    Updates the specified supplier information.

  • DELETE /api/1.0/suppliers/{supplier}

    Deletes the specified supplier.

Managing indicators

You can manage indicators in REST API suppliers by using the following requests:

  • PUT /api/1.0/suppliers/{supplier}/indicators

    Adds new indicators to a supplier and updates existing indicators.

  • /api/1.0/suppliers/{supplier}/indicators

    Deletes the specified indicators from a supplier.

In this section

POST lookup

GET suppliers

POST suppliers

GET suppliers/{supplier}

PUT suppliers/{supplier}

DELETE suppliers/{supplier}

PUT suppliers/{supplier}/indicators

DELETE suppliers/{supplier}/indicators