Kaspersky CyberTrace

Configuration file (Log Scanner)

The Log Scanner configuration file is an XML file that contains parameters described in the table below. If this file is not present in the directory or some parameters are not present in the file, the default values are used for the missing parameters.

Configuration file parameters




Affects the Log Scanner output to the console. If the value contained in the Verbose element is "False" or "0", or the element is omitted, little information is printed to the console. Otherwise, detailed information is printed.


Maximum number of threads that Log Scanner can use when processing input data.

By default, up to 8 threads are used.


Directory that will contain the output file. It can be either an absolute or a relative path. A relative path is calculated relative to the directory that contains the Log Scanner binary file.

If the OutputDir parameter is not set, the output file is stored in the directory where the Log Scanner binary file resides.


The utility sends requests to Feed Service in the format specified in the Pattern element. The following parameters can be used:

  • %IP%—The value to be checked if the utility is called with the -i (--ip) parameter.
  • %MD5%—The value to be checked if the utility is called with the -s (--hash) parameter and the value is an MD5 hash.
  • %SHA1%—The value to be checked if the utility is called with the -s (--hash) parameter and the value is an SHA1 hash.
  • %SHA256%—The value to be checked if the utility is called with the -s (--hash) parameter and the value is an SHA256 hash.
  • %URL%—The value to be checked if the utility is called with the -u (--url) parameter.

    By default, the following value is used:

    ip=%IP% md5=%MD5% sha1=%SHA1% sha256=%SHA256% url=%URL%


Specifies the IP address and port (or the Windows-named pipe, or UNIX socket) to which Log Scanner will send the received data.

  • If you use one of non-supported SIEM solutions, the Connection parameter should specify how to connect to that solution.
  • If you do not use a SIEM solution, the Connection parameter should specify how to connect to Feed Service.

    The value depends on the way in which Log Scanner interacts with a SIEM solution or Feed Service.

  • If they interact using TCP/IP, specify in the Connection element the IP address and port on which Feed Service receives events.
  • If they interact through a Windows-named pipe, specify in the Connection element the named pipe on which Feed Service receives events. The pipe name must be specified in format \\.\pipe\<pipe_name>.
  • If they interact through a UNIX socket, specify in the Connection element the socket on which Feed Service receives events.

    By default, the data is sent to


Number of seconds that Log Scanner waits for the socket or pipe specified in the Connection parameter to resume sending data.

If the value of this parameter is 0, Log Scanner waits indefinitely.

The maximum value of this parameter that you can set is 1000.

By default, the timeout is 15 seconds.

Configuration file example





<Pattern>ip=%IP% md5=%MD5% sha1=%SHA1% sha256=%SHA256% url=%URL%</Pattern>


