Kaspersky CyberTrace

Kaspersky CyberTrace Status dashboard

The Kaspersky CyberTrace Status dashboard provides match statistics for Feed Service, and displays a log of alerts generated by Feed Service.

Kaspersky CyberTrace Status dashboard

The Kaspersky CyberTrace Status dashboard has three panels:

  • The Match statistics panel
  • The Kaspersky CyberTrace alerts panel
  • The Self test panel

Match statistics panel

This panel displays a pie chart of matches for each category returned by Feed Service.

Kaspersky CyberTrace alerts panel

This panel displays a table with a log of alerts generated by Feed Service.

Self test panel

This panel displays a table with Self-test results.

These settings are used for performing the self-test on the Kaspersky CyberTrace Status tab.

The Self-test is performed automatically when you open the Kaspersky CyberTrace Status dashboard. The following status values are possible:

  • OK

    The feed is turned on and the matching for this feed was successful.


    The feed is turned off or is processed incorrectly by Feed Utility or Feed Service.

To perform a lookup, Kaspersky CyberTrace connection settings are used. These settings are specified on the Indicators lookup tab.