Kaspersky CyberTrace

Accessing the REST API

This section explains how to access the Kaspersky CyberTrace REST API.

REST API endpoint

Kaspersky CyberTrace accepts requests on the endpoint which consists of the IP address of the computer with Kaspersky CyberTrace and the port specified in the GUISettings > HTTPServer > ConnectionString element of the kl_feed_service.conf configuration file.

The format of the address is:


For example, if ConnectionString is, and the IP address of the computer with Kaspersky CyberTrace is, the lookup request must be made to the following address:

Request headers

Each request must have the following headers:

  • Accept

    Response content type. This header must have the application/json value.

  • Authorization

    This header must hold the Basic authorization string.

Basic authorization

The credentials for the Basic authorization scheme are constructed as follows:

  1. The username and the password are combined with a colon.

    For example, if a username is user, and a password is password, the string must be user:password.

  2. The resulting string is then base64 encoded.

    For the example above, the resulting string is dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==.

  3. The final authorization string is constructed by prepending the "Basic" string to the credentials string.

    For the example above, the final authorization string is Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==.