Kaspersky CyberTrace

About the upgrade process

The upgrade process described in this section applies to Kaspersky CyberTrace versions 3.1.0 and above. If you have an older version of Kaspersky CyberTrace or Kaspersky Threat Feed Service, contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM).

You upgrade Kaspersky CyberTrace in two steps:

  • Upgrade binary and other files.
  • Upgrade the integration of Kaspersky CyberTrace with the SIEM solution.

    This step is not relevant for Log Scanner.

How to learn the version of Kaspersky CyberTrace

You can find out the version of Kaspersky CyberTrace as follows:

  • In Windows, view the version property of the kl_feed_service.exe binary file.
  • In Linux, run the following command:

    %service_dir%/bin/kl_feed_service -v